The fabric of human society is glued with love and ironed with the sense of innate morality, so am I.
Anything not done in the name of God, may essentially lead you to the path of non God. There are infinite paths available at each moment.
Altruism is the shortest route to success, but its prerequisite is the knowledge of right and wrong, else you might be an absurdist.
Authority must be observed, respected and not rebelled with. The cause of any eventual rebellion, if necessary, must not be self. There is no authority higher than God.
The alchemy of self is transformation and it starts with purification of perception. Vision, perception and imagination are as real as anything else in the perceivable world.
Each moment has countless messages and each message is dependent on our energy derived from conciousness. A bee will yield honey from flowers, while a fly may complain of trash.
In the analogy of human as a software system, the quality of that system would be directly proportional to the quality of neutralizing negatives into positives.
It is the driving force of the world and the core of vitality.
Each allegoric love has a timeframe and must be let go after that, else it will rot. Enforcing love and denial of letting go is a good indicator of narcissism.
Each allegoric love is actually the love of God's beauty placed in bits and pieces in all humans. Love transcends time and space. Most persons will be loved by a human who can observe God's beauty in others.